Individuals bring a number of differences to work. They have a variety of personalities, values, and attitudes. When they enter into organizations, their stable or transient characteristics affect how they behave and perform. Attitudes create an intention to behave in a certain way, but they do not always predict actual behaviors. A highly interactive session on a much desired topic “Empower Winning Attitudes” was conducted by University of Stirling, RAK Campus in association with PeoplePro Enterprise for Social Impact on 9th of May 2020. The session facilitators were Ms. Shanthi Rajan, Director, Institution Development, University of Stirling and SQA Diplomas, RAK Campus and Mr. Mathew Abraham, CEO and MD of PeoplePro. This session started with an understanding of the technical aspects of the sensory perception, i.e, the role of Thalamus, Amygdala and Prefrontal cortex to help participates relate to how emotions are regulated using the 5 senses (eyes, ears, smell, taste, touch) and then moving on to the core theme; attitude and behaviour. The topics that were covered in this session included emotional hijacking, attitude/behaviour and the reason why people continue to choose negative attitude and the 7 key power principles. The session concluded assessing Emotional Self-awareness and how it helps in creating winning attitudes. The overall feedback from 28 participants who attended the session was very positive and 92.6% of respondents suggested to have similar workshops in the future.
Empower Winning Attitudes
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