FDP Session-2 The impact of Curriculum Design (CD) to enhance Student Engagement (SE) (by Shanthi Rajan)

Student Engagement (SE) has become a relevant topic in academic institutions and research in academia identifies the importance of SE with regards to student success and their overall academic achievements. Curriculum and instructional design plays a significant role allowing learners’ construct meaning to what they learn and its impact on student performance. The role of an educator is to create a conducive learning environment that supports the learning activities appropriate to achieving the intended learning outcomes (ILOs). When learners feel incapable to perform they tend to be demotivated and the onus of teachers lies in ensuring that the teaching, learning and assessment activities should be conducive for learning resulting in learner motivation and confidence.

The aim of this session was to give a detailed insight on the importance of curriculum design by aligning teaching, learning activities and assessments using a constructive alignment framework.

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