Teaching learning processes in the virtual world

A highly interactive session with academicians from India and abroad was organized by Higher Education Forum, India on 2nd May, 2020. Ms. Shanthi Rajan, Director, Institution Development, University of Stirling, RAK Campus was invited as a panelist to discuss on the topic “teaching learning processes in the virtual world’’. Shanthi stressed on how University of Stirling, RAK campus have seamless migrated to the online platform and further spoke on how we deliver the curriculum as best as to replicate our classroom experiences for the students. As regards the student engagement, be it behavioural, emotional and cognitive, she focused on various engagement routes the academic staff use to bring about positive student engagement; touching on various active learning techniques. The role of educators now being facilitators and moving away from a tutor to a student centric approach using various active learning techniques was very much appreciated by the panel. She also stressed on the academic staff being well trained to deliver the curriculum online since even with the classroom scenarios there were always some components that had to be done online like assignment submissions and other doubt clearing sessions. She focused on how University of Stirling, RAK Campus is constantly and consistently evolving their approaches on how best to give the students an out of classroom, via internet, that closely simulates to their in-classroom experience. This session was attended by 23 HEF members.


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